Three of Swords: Weekly Tarotcast™ – Free Tarot Reading

10-05-21 through 10-12-21

The Three of Swords is this week’s Tarotcast card. This is difficult and challenging energy in a difficult and challenging suit. The Three of Swords is often interpreted as worldly sorrows. Loss through separation or death, the end of a relationship, or a serious illness. These are the sources of human suffering. Often, we can’t begin to heal until we remove the source of the suffering or disease. The energy of this card reveals that all things come to an end, but also that all things pass, even profound grief.

The Elements

Air, limitless imagination and freedom, suffocates under the physical weight of the world. Creation is not possible.

The Number 3

The Threes of the Minor Arcana represent form and structure. They are the first results or manifestations of energy. They show the effects of energy in action – in this case, for Swords and Air. They bring a perspective, a viewpoint and an understanding of events and situations. Threes show the process of resolution and unification. This is a natural progression following the polarization and duality of the twos.


On the Tree of Life, the Three of Swords represents the formula 3. Sephiroth or sphere 3, Binah (Understanding). Divine Feminine energy, or Yin. The sphere of Saturn. In the suit of Swords (Yetzirah) the formative world. The element of Air – our mental and intellectual processes. Plus, Saturn in Libra equaling Sorrow.

From a Kabbalistic perspective, the Three of Swords represents higher consciousness. It is beyond that which we can access in our day-to-day world. This is the consciousness of worldly suffering that transformed Siddhartha into the Buddha. The energy becomes transcendent, a higher perception illuminating the path to enlightenment.


The Three of Swords represents Saturn in Libra. It rules from 10 to 20 degrees Libra, or October 3rd to October 12th. So, if your birthday falls on or between these dates, you’ll be feeling this week’s energy even more than the rest of us. We may experience actual loss during this forecast period. However, it’s more likely our sadness will be over something intangible and undefinable.

In real-time astrology, the Sun is transiting Air-sign Libra. A perfect energetic match to this week’s card, and I love it when this happens!

Libra rules relationships. Mercury is currently retrograde in Libra (through October 18th).

“Trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble – trouble been doggin’ my soul since the day I was born…”

October 6th brings us a New Moon in Libra sparking new beginnings. We pay close attention to our relationships and hone our negotiating skills. In combination of this week’s card though, that may also mean knowing when to walk away from the table.

“I am the man of constant sorrow – I’ve seen trouble all my days…”

Pluto turns direct in Earth-sign Capricorn on the same date. This energy is intense and we need to feel empowered. The need to make deep, transformative changes is strong. Instead of brooding and ruminating, we take necessary actions for change.

“This is my song of sorrow…song of sorrow…”

On October 7th Venus (Libra’s ruling planet) enters Fire-sign Sagittarius. Our need for freedom is strong. Our relationships allow for plenty of space and breathing room.

Saturn turns direct in Libra’s fellow Air-sign Aquarius on October 10th. We’re grounded in our goals and ambitions. We’re ready to take care of our responsibilities. Both obligations and limitations are clear to us.


Misuse, darkening or the shadow energy of this card includes self-delusion. Self-pity. The belief that our pain, misery or loss is the “worst in the world”.


Let’s focus on the insights we gain. We realize that what we are “losing” are old or erroneous beliefs and perceptions. We may detach ourselves from situations and relationships we’ve long outgrown. Painful it may be. But it is more painful to remain in illusion, helplessness and blindness.


Power colors: dark brown, black and blue-black (for Saturn). Balance these with Libra colors: emerald green, deep blue-green and sky blue. It may be difficult to combine these energies. Harmony is possible with careful balance.
Power stones: onyx, garnet, opal and sapphire. Wear as jewelry or carry as power stones for grounding. They will give us the ability to look past our immediate circumstances to the near future.
Power metals: copper and lead – wear the copper. Let the lead remind you of what to “get out.” Once you lighten up, you’ll move through and past limiting circumstances.
Power fragrances: violet, rose, musk, patchouli and valerian. Combined, these will balance Saturn’s heavy energy with the ethereal spirit of Libra.

Power foods: foods prepared with thyme as well as tea brewed from comfrey. All provide the same beneficial effects already described.

The Tarotcast is a free Tarot reading with a new post every week on Tuesday!

An individualized Tarot reading with me focuses on what’s most important for you, so call 847-735-1718 today for a personalized, in-depth look into your life’s possibilities.

  • Lyrics quotes: “Trouble” ~ Ray LaMontagne (Todd Snider)
  • “Man of Constant Sorrow” ~ The Soggy Bottom Boys (Traditional American Folk Song – Dick Burnett)
  • “Song of Sorrow” ~Elle King (Tanner Schneider)

Copyright 2021© Dona C. Murphy, Destiny Tarot®

“Destiny Tarot” and the Destiny Tarot logo are the registered trademarks (servicemarks) of Dona C. Murphy. All rights reserved. No portion of this article may be reproduced without my permission.  Tarot card images: Aleister Crowley Thoth Tarot © copyright Ordo Templi Orientis, International Headquarters, JAF Box 7666, New York, NY 10116 USA. All rights reserved.