The Nine of Wands: Weekly Tarotcast™ – Free Tarot Reading
11-09-21 through 11-16-21

The Nine of Wands is this week’s Tarotcast card. This week is all about momentum and drawing on our stored reserves of energy and strength. Our ability to keep rolling with the changes is a source of great strength. We’ll be balancing and adjusting to maintain our forward motion – sort of like riding a bicycle.
The Elements
The Nine of Wands is the element of Fire – the life force – tempered and refined by lunar energy. The result is taking exactly the right action at exactly the right moment.
The Number 9
The Nines of the Minor Arcana bring things to a conclusion. They represent integration, fulfillment and attainment. Our will has manifested and reached its peak of perfection.
On the Tree of Life, the Nine of Wands card represents the formula 9. Sephiroth or sphere 9, Yesod (Foundation). This is the sphere of the Moon. It is the crystallization of energy. Combined with the suit of Wands (Atziluth), the archetypal world. The element of Fire – the life-force, our will. Plus, the Moon in Sagittarius, equaling Strength.
The Nine of Wands represents the Moon in Sagittarius. It rules from 10 to 20 degrees Sagittarius, or December 3rd through December 12th. So, if your birthday falls on or between these dates, you’ll be feeling this week’s energy even more than the rest of us. The Moon in Sagittarius reminds us that when playing defense, we must be mobile. We attain and maintain stability through motion.
In real-time astrology, the Sun continues its transit through Water-sign Scorpio. Scorpio is Sagittarius’ next-door neighbor, preceding it on the astrological wheel.
Mars, Mercury and the Sun are all in Scorpio between November 5th and November 21st. This is a heaping helping of Scorpio energy. For this reason, we’ll experience determination, self-discipline and clear focus. The special energy of Mars in Scorpio is a great energetic match to that of this week’s card. We follow our goals until we reach them. Focus on a high-priority goal between now and December 13th.
“You were my strength when I was weak…”
Scorpio energy also helps us release outmoded behaviors and beliefs. This is a healing energy and the momentum of this week’s card helps us move through th process at a pace that works.
“I’m a racing car passing by…I’m gonna go, go, go – there’s no stopping me…”
On November 5th Venus entered Earth-sign Capricorn. This is Sagittarius’ other next-door neighbor, following it on the astrological wheel. We’re ambitious and responsible, especially in our most important relationships. Reliability and clear thinking help us find focus and direction with our partners. While that may not seem romantic it can build a strong bond in our shared journey.
Misuse, darkening or the shadow energy of this card includes contradiction. Also, vacillation and indecision prevail. Rather than adapting to changing circumstances, we inflict psychological or emotional harm. Also, we fight to stand still when standing still is ruinous.
Let’s focus on the positive energy of forward motion. In this case, we can make progress through intellectual and physical harmony.
Power colors: indigo, pale blue, silver and violet for the Moon. Yellow, green and dark blue for Sagittarius.
Power stones: amethyst, topaz, rock crystal, moonstone and opal. Wear as jewelry or carry as power stones to help keep us moving along in a stable, steady way.
Power metals: silver and tin. Silver is bright, malleable and for most of us very wearable. Tin provides strength and stability when combined with other metals.
Power fragrances: carnation, sage, coconut, jasmine and gardenia. These will help you to adapt to your changing environment with grace and mindfulness.
Power foods: foods prepared with sage or coconut, including coconut oil. Also, tea brewed from jasmine. All provide the same beneficial effects already described.
The Tarotcast is a free Tarot reading with a new post every week on Tuesday!
An individualized Tarot reading with me focuses on what’s most important for you, so call 847-735-1718 today for a personalized, in-depth look into your life’s possibilities. Find out more about my services.
- Lyrics quotes: “Because You Loved Me” ~ Celine Dion (Diane Warren)
- “Don’t Stop Me Now” ~ Queen (Freddie Mercury)
Copyright 2021© Dona C. Murphy, Destiny Tarot®
“Destiny Tarot” and the Destiny Tarot logo are the registered trademarks (servicemarks) of Dona C. Murphy. All rights reserved. No portion of this article may be reproduced without my permission. Tarot card images: Aleister Crowley Thoth Tarot © copyright Ordo Templi Orientis, International Headquarters, JAF Box 7666, New York, NY 10116 USA. All rights reserved.