The Seven of Cups: Weekly Tarotcast™ – Free Tarot Reading
11-23-21 through 11-30-21

The Seven of Cups is this week’s Tarotcast card. We indulge in imagination, fantasy and daydreaming. But these show up in their more challenging or negative aspects. Believing that every option is open means we may choose not to act at all. As a result, we stay in a state of indecision and confusion. It’s hard to see the forest for the trees with the Seven of Cups. We’re easily seduced but also easily disappointed and disillusioned.
The Elements
Water nourishes life but also dissolves, dissipates and decomposes. The sign of Scorpio embodies the power of degeneration, death and rebirth. Spoilage and rot are a necessary part of the regeneration process. That doesn’t make them any more pleasant.
The Number 7
The Sevens of the Minor Arcana illustrate the motives for manifestation. The balance of the sixes gives way to questioning and exploration. Disruption arises from the search for the underlying causes of action. The sevens dissolve and deconstruct.
On the Tree of Life, the Seven of Cups card represents the formula 7. Sephiroth or sphere 7, Netzach (Victory), sphere of Venus and the masculinized Feminine. Manifesting in the suit of Cups (Briah). The creative world. The element of Water and the emotions. Plus Venus in Scorpio resulting in Debauch.
The Seven of Cups shows the error of believing that more of anything is always better. The consequences of acting as if that were true couldn’t be better illustrated than by this week’s card. That first cocktail is fun. The second is too. By the third (or the fourth for some of us) we’re getting sloppy. By the fifth – well, we may be dashing to the bathroom for some private time with the porcelain god – soooo not sexy.
The Seven of Cups corresponds to Venus in Scorpio. It rules from 20 to 30 degrees Scorpio, or November 13th through November 22nd. If your birthday falls on or between those dates, you’ll be feeling this week’s energy even more than the rest of us. Venus in Scorpio is not at her best – the Goddess of Love and Beauty can be a bit self-indulgent and reckless in this sign. Ok, more than a bit.
In real-time astrology, the Sun recently moved out of Water-sign Scorpio. It is currently transiting Fire-sign Sagittarius. Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 24th. There is plenty of open-minded, adventurous energy in the Archer. We’re hungry for knowledge. No goal is too lofty – we aim for the stars.
“And if she asks you why you can tell her that I told you that I’m tired of castles in the air…castle walls just lead me to despair…”
This energy can be a great combination with this week’s card. We may gallop headlong off a cliff if we’re not watching where we’re going though. Some extra care is necessary as we balance the positives against the negatives.
We’re still feeling the effects of the partial Lunar Eclipse of November 19th. During the early days of this forecast period there’s harmony with Pluto (ruler of Scorpio). There is also a square to Jupiter (ruler of Sagittarius).
“Oh, we’re getting away with it, all messed up – getting away with it, all messed up – that’s the living. Yeah, that’s called living…”
We seek to resolve dualities. To balance opposite needs and desires. Staying in touch with our emotions and feelings will start this process. There will be several eclipses along the Taurus – Scorpio axis in 2022 and 2023. This will be a recurring theme.
“But it was just my imagination, running away with me…”
Venus continues her transit of Earth-sign Capricorn. Our romantic expectations are high and we seek substance. Status, goals and achievements are as important as looks and brains. This serves as a stabilizing influence on this week’s energy. However, we may still tend to over-emphasize or overdo things.
Misuse, darkening or the shadow energy of the Seven of Cups includes delusion and delirium. Sinking into a swamp of false or illusionary pleasure. Use extra care this week with intoxicants (of all kinds). Remember that building castles in the air rarely gets you closer to your goals. There is a place for constructive daydreaming, imagining and visualizing. But this week, there are many more pitfalls and errors in trying to escape rather than face your troubles.
Let’s focus on exercising good judgment. Narrow your focus to one plan or situation. It’s easier to stay on top of separating reality from illusion. Careful consideration may show us that a desired choice isn’t viable. We can then move on and realign with a more practical plan of action.
Power colors: emerald, sky blue, bluish-green tones, and rose pink along with very dark brown.
Power stones: topaz, ruby and jet (for Scorpio). Emerald, opal, jade, lapis and sapphire for Venus. Wear these as jewelry or carry them as power stones to help stay grounded. Don’t indulge in too much of a good thing – or anything – this week.
Power metals: iron, plutonium and copper. Only copper is wearable but it tarnishes. That serves as a reminder of Venus’ tendency to overdo the pleasures of the flesh and the senses.
Power fragrances: purple heather, violet, wild rose, apple and bergamot. Also, hibiscus, magnolia, plumeria, strawberry, vanilla and vervain. These will clear emotional and mental dust-bunnies and cobwebs out of the corners.
Power foods: foods prepared with sweet basil, apple, strawberry and vanilla. Tea brewed from hibiscus or rose hips. Don’t gorge on or swill any of them! All provide the same beneficial effects already described.
Power colors: emerald, sky blue, bluish-green tones, and rose pink along with very dark brown.
Power stones: topaz, ruby and jet (for Scorpio). Emerald, opal, jade, lapis and sapphire for Venus. Wear these as jewelry or carry them as power stones to help stay grounded. Don’t indulge in too much of a good thing – or anything – this week.
Power metals: iron, plutonium and copper. Only copper is wearable but it tarnishes. That serves as a reminder of Venus’ tendency to overdo the pleasures of the flesh and the senses.
Power fragrances: purple heather, violet, wild rose, apple and bergamot. Also, hibiscus, magnolia, plumeria, strawberry, vanilla and vervain. These will clear emotional and mental dust-bunnies and cobwebs out of the corners.
Power foods: foods prepared with sweet basil, apple, strawberry and vanilla. Tea brewed from hibiscus or rose hips. Don’t gorge on or swill any of them! All provide the same beneficial effects already described.
Power colors: emerald, sky blue, bluish-green tones, and rose pink along with very dark brown.
Power stones: topaz, ruby and jet (for Scorpio). Emerald, opal, jade, lapis and sapphire for Venus. Wear these as jewelry or carry them as power stones to help stay grounded. Don’t indulge in too much of a good thing – or anything – this week.
Power metals: iron, plutonium and copper. Only copper is wearable but it tarnishes. That serves as a reminder of Venus’ tendency to overdo the pleasures of the flesh and the senses.
Power fragrances: purple heather, violet, wild rose, apple and bergamot. Also, hibiscus, magnolia, plumeria, strawberry, vanilla and vervain. These will clear emotional and mental dust-bunnies and cobwebs out of the corners.
Power foods: foods prepared with sweet basil, apple, strawberry and vanilla. Tea brewed from hibiscus or rose hips. Don’t gorge on or swill any of them! All provide the same beneficial effects already described.
The Tarotcast is a free Tarot reading with a new post every week on Tuesday!
An individualized Tarot reading with me focuses on what’s most important for you, so call 847-735-1718 today for a personalized, in-depth look into your life’s possibilities.
- Lyrics quotes: “Castles in the Air” ~ Don McLean (Don McLean)
- “Getting Away With It (All Messed Up)” ~ James (Timothy Booth/ James Glennie/David Baynton-Power/Saul Davies/Mark Hunter)
- Just My Imagination (Running Away with Me)” ~ The Temptations (Barrett Strong/Norman Whitfield)
Copyright 2021© Dona C. Murphy, Destiny Tarot®
“Destiny Tarot” and the Destiny Tarot logo are the registered trademarks (servicemarks) of Dona C. Murphy. All rights reserved. No portion of this article may be reproduced without my permission. Tarot card images: Aleister Crowley Thoth Tarot © copyright Ordo Templi Orientis, International Headquarters, JAF Box 7666, New York, NY 10116 USA. All rights reserved.