Six of Wands: Weekly Tarotcast™ – Free Tarot Reading
3-29-22 through 4-05-22

The Six of Wands is this week’s Tarotcast card. We’ll be experiencing the successful completion of a project or task this week. Gain, triumph and success are ours. This energy is most welcome. It reminds us that whatever obstacles, difficulties or setbacks we’ve endured – we won. Rewards come for our hard work and persistent efforts. We are confident that what we have achieved is repeatable. We can build on this success again and again.
The Elements
In the Six of Wands, the element of Fire is the steady heat and light that warms and illuminates. Here, the Will in action manifests in perfect balance and harmony.
The Number 6
The sixes of the Minor Arcana restore harmony and balance. The fives cause disruption. They cleanse, regenerate and create conflict in a stable system. Afterward, the sixes bring affirmation, confirmation, validation and solidification.
On the Tree of Life, the Six of Wands card represents the formula 6. Sephiroth or sphere 6, Tiphareth (Beauty). The sphere of the Sun, where energy manifests in a completely balanced way. Within the suit of Wands (Atziluth). This is the Archetypal world. The element of Fire; the Will. Plus, Jupiter in Leo equaling Victory.
The Six of Wands card represents Jupiter in Leo. It rules from 10 to 20 degrees Leo, or August 2nd through August 11th. So, if your birthday falls on or between these dates, you’ll be feeling this week’s energy even more than the rest of us. Jupiter in Leo is expansive, boisterous, warm and generous. The triumphant power of this card is like that of the noble Lion or Lioness. We claim our rightful place as rulers of our own lives.
In real-time astrology, the Sun is transiting Leo’s fellow Fire-sign, Aries. Aries energy is dynamic and forward-looking. We’re bursting with creativity and the desire for new experiences. As a cardinal sign, Aries is one of the self-starters of astrology – the first one on the wheel.
Mercury is currently transiting Aries also. On the positive side we are quick-witted, original and inventive in our communication. In contrast, we’ll want to avoid sarcasm and exaggeration. And of course, no outright lying!
“Trails of troubles, roads of battles – paths of victory we shall walk…”
Jupiter is transiting Water-sign Pisces one of the signs it rules. Jupiter is expansion. Knowledge, understanding, experience and understanding grow under its beneficial influence. We are optimistic and ready to embrace abundance.
“Fate unwinds and if we die, souls arise. God, do not seize me please, till victory…”
We have a New Moon in Aries on April 1st. This lunation offers us the opportunity to show a fresh face to the world. It’s a fresh start in a new direction.
Acting on our constructive impulses without fear. We find self-sufficiency and confidence.
This New Moon also aligns with Mercury. We should encounter few if any obstacles. Those few we may find will not hinder us. This is in harmony with the energy of this week’s card.
Lastly, Venus enters Pisces on April 5th. Venus is exalted in this sign. With this transit love is both personal and universal. We can forgive and show compassion. We may be feeling tender and affectionate. Sometimes limits and boundaries are blurry under Venus in Pisces. Avoid self-deception. Others may find it easier to deceive us as well. If there’s a need to sacrifice, make sure you are doing it for the best possible reasons.
Misuse, darkening or the shadow energy of the Six of Wands card includes being presumptuous. Overstepping others’ boundaries with our assumptions. Avoid the desire to create a personality cult with yourself as the central figure. Otherwise, success is unlikely. Even if achieved, the triumphant optimism that is natural to this week’s energy would be completely lost.
Let’s focus on tackling the week with enthusiasm! Both the giving and receiving of trust and loyalty are keys to our success. Enjoy your successes and victories. Accept the recognition and reward you’ve earned. Stay centered in self-confidence without arrogance.
Power colors: rose pink, violet, and purple for Jupiter as well as deep purple, grey and amber for Leo.
Power stones: ruby, diamond, rose quartz, amethyst, and amber. Wear as jewelry or carry as power stones to feel optimistic and grounded. Then, celebrate your victories!
Power metals: Leo gold and Jupiter tin. Go for the rose or yellow gold (for obvious reasons)!
Power fragrances: poppy, sage, heliotrope, honeysuckle, hyssop and cedar. These will help you stay confident about victory without arrogance or egotistical self-promotion.
Power foods: foods prepared with anise, cinnamon, clove, mint, nutmeg and sage; or hops (think beer!) And all provide the same beneficial effects already described.
The Tarotcast is a free Tarot reading with a new post every week on Tuesday!
An individualized Tarot reading with me focuses on what’s most important for you, so call 847-735-1718 today for a personalized, in-depth look into your life’s possibilities.
- Lyrics quotes: “Paths of Victory” ~ Bob Dylan (Bob Dylan)
- “Till Victory” ~ Patti Smith (Patti Smith/Ivan Kral/Leonard J Kaye)
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“Destiny Tarot” and the Destiny Tarot logo are the registered trademarks (servicemarks) of Dona C. Murphy. All rights reserved. No portion of this article may be reproduced without my permission. Tarot card images: Aleister Crowley Thoth Tarot © copyright Ordo Templi Orientis, International Headquarters, JAF Box 7666, New York, NY 10116 USA. All rights reserved.